Blissful new beginnings for 2011

Happy, Happy New Year, my dears. 

I wish you all health, happiness, and the motivation and perseverance to accomplish whatever it is you really want. Go for it this year! Make things happen in 2011!! 

(This is a disguised pep talk to myself, btw, but I hope it rubs off on you too!)

A friend just wished me a year of blissful new beginnings (she has a way with words) and it got me thinking about what 2011 has in store for me... and the boy/man... once we make things happen.

So here's my list, written online for all to see, as a kick in the butt for me when my motivation slows: 
  1. A new job for the boy/man Done! He starts early Jan 2011!
  2. Finishing my master's thesis
  3. Moving to England
  4. Finding a new job in England
  5. Saving up for our first home in England
  6. Buying our first home
  7. Starting our married lives together
Alright, there are a bunch of other goals and sub-goals I'd love to add here, but I figured I should stick to the biggest few, cause it might get overwhelming otherwise.

Ideally, everything will be crossed off by the end of this year.

OK, no, that doesn't sound very convincing. Let me rephrase. 

Everything will be crossed off by the end of this year. You wait and see.

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